Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How do I know if an app is running on Flash player

Well, one thing I want to point out is that all the animations that we see every day in our online experience might not be developed in Flash!! For example there are tons for animated drop down menus that are not developed in Flash technology. Many of those are written in JavaScript. In that case if we see some animated UI in a browser how will we be able to know if that is developed in flash or in other technology. Well I do follow a very simple way to figure that out and that works for me. Once I see some animated UI all I do is I point my cursor on that UI of interest and press right click and on the last line of the pop up menu it will be written something like "About Adobe Flash Player 10". The player version number will depend on what Flash Player version you have installed on your computer. Please see the video clip -

By the way, by following this process you can also find out what version of Flash Player you have installed on your computer.

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